Today, I realized that I had not one but two containers and both were full. Clearly, it was time to put some pages away. *groan*
I organize my albums using an adaptation of Stacy Julian's Library of Memories or Photo Freedom system which is to say not chronologically but by family member (me & Sam, Ben, Gabriel, my sister and her family, my brothers and their families, etc...). Today I finished filling up an album about my sister and her family and I wanted to share it.
The first section of the album is a few pages that are group photos.

Then some pages with my sister, Michelle.

The next section is a few pages for her daughter, Kiersten.

And then the next section, is for her son (and Gabriel's best buddy), Nathaniel.

And then finally, the Gabriel and Nathaniel section. This is the largest section and will probably become it's own album someday.

And that's the finished album. I put away so many pages today that I am back to one container which is mostly empty and that was my goal. Even though I hated to take the time away from creating to put these pages away, I found inspiration, too. I remembered stories that I haven't told yet and thought of more pages I want to make. Definitely time well spent.
Thanks for stopping by!
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