Sunday, 1 July 2012

Happy Canada Day!

Hey, hey!

July 1st, being Canada Day, is usually a low key day for us. Today was no different. The weather was perfect and we spent the whole day outside - pretty much. The kids got wet in the pool and sandy in sandbox. There was lots of bbq and even Moo Moo's ice cream cake for dessert. 

It was perfect.

And yet, it is also Memorial Day in Newfoundland. A day when we all remember the battle of Beaumont Hamel on July 1, 1916 when approximately 90% of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, the Blue Puttees, was wiped out in 15-20 minutes. That's almost 700 young men.

This morning when I sat on my deck watching the boys play, I could hear a church bell ringing. Calling us to remember.  I thought of all those mothers getting that most horrible news and of all those families that were changed forever almost 100 years ago.

I thought of them.

The rest of the day was pushing kids on the swings, and sorting out squabbles, naps and snacks.  Just the regular stuff but also just plain wonderful. I hope that your day was wonderful too because a life well lived is one of the best ways I can think of to honor the sacrifice of others. A way to show that we are truly grateful.



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